The Department of Public Works has 17 full time employees and 1 part time employee. The Department is responsible for the operation and functioning of the Borough's extensive municipal infrastructure (road maintenance, road sweeping, sewer maintenance, water testing, installing of water meters, maintenance to the water system, grass cutting on Borough properties including parks, minor building maintenance, storm water maintenance and cleaning, maintenance of the Borough pool, playgrounds and parks, leaf pick up, curb side grass and branch (yard waste) pick up, snow removal, de-icing, white metal and electronics pick up, operation of the Recycling Center, parking meter maintenance, street sign maintenance, light vehicle maintenance, storm clean up) as well as providing emergency services and participating in many Borough functions.
Employees have commercial driver's licenses and are diversified in operating equipment from lawn mowers to large construction equipment. Many of the employees belong to an emergency service organization in the Borough. There is an employee on call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to handle emergencies.
Emergency calls should be directed to the Waldwick Police Department at (201) 652-5700.