General Information
63 Franklin Turnpike

Monday - Friday
8:30 am - 4:00 pm

New Jersey Property Tax Deductions

Property Tax Deductions for Veterans or Surviving Spouses

This is an annual deduction from taxes due in the amount of $250.00 to qualified veterans or their surviving spouse.  Claim for V.S.S. may be obtained from the Assessor's office or from the following link:

Veterans Deduction Application

All completed forms and necessary documentation are to be filed with the Assessor's Office.

$250 Real Property Tax Deduction for Senior Citizens, Disabled Persons or Surviving Spouse 55 Years or Older

An annual $250.00 deduction from real estate taxes is provided for the dwelling of a qualified individual meeting the requirements for income and residency.  Claim forms PTD and PTD-SI are both required and may be obtained from the Municipal Tax Assessor or from the following links (please include both forms):

Senior Citizen & Disabled Persons Deduction Application

Real Property Tax Deduction Supplemental Income Form 

All completed forms and necessary documentation are to be filed with the Assessor's Office.

Property Tax Exemption for 100% Disabled Veterans or Surviving Spouses

Certain 100% permanently and totally disabled war veterans or their surviving spouses may qualify for this full property tax exemption for their dwelling house and the lot on which it is situated. Claim form D.V.S.S.E. may be obtained from the Municipal Tax Assessor or from the following link: 100% Disabled Veterans Deduction Application.

All completed forms and supporting documentation are to be filed with the Assessor's Office.

Active Military Service Property Tax Deferment

If you are a serviceperson, deployed or mobilized for active service in time of war, you may qualify for a deferment of your property tax bill. You may authorize someone to apply for the deferment on your behalf. Visit the NJ Division of Taxation Active Military Service Property Tax Deferment.

Active Military Service Property Tax Deferment Application

All completed forms and supporting documentation for this program only are to be filed with the Tax Collector's Office.

Other information may be obtained by contacting the NJ Division of Taxation at 609-292-6400 or automated information 800-323-4400.